in a short while
all at once
all of a sudden
- The axe sliced through the wood.
斧头一下子把木头劈开了. - The company was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped.
汇率下降时,公司一下子破了产。 - lullaby had the baby into the land of Nod in no time
催眠曲一下子就把婴儿送入了睡乡。 - I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of it petrified.
我打开柜门,站在柜门前一下子惊呆了。 - As the blow still hung impending, I leaped in a trice upon one side
当打击迫在眉睫时,我一下子就跳到了一边。 - In the Soviet Union, those who once extolled Stalin to the skies have now in one swoop consigned him to purgatory
苏联过去把斯大林捧得一万丈高的人,现在一下子把他贬到地下九千丈。 - The food being good in the communal dining-room, I polished off in half a jiffy a large plateful of beef and noodle
公共食堂饭菜好,我一下子就吃了一大盘牛肉炒面。 - He felt he had just been doused in cold water. The barely discernible smile disappeared altogether.
他觉得好像被人泼了盆冷水,隐约可辨的笑容一下子消失了。 - It would be very unseemly if the corpses had to put on immortality under the gaze of mere sight-seers
万一游客正在参观的时候,那些木乃伊在他们眼前一下子都进入永生的境界,岂不是很尴尬吗? - No man ever became thoroughly Bad at once
adj. 短的,矮的,低的;短暂的,短期的;短缺的;缩写的;简慢无礼的;暴躁的
adv. 突然,唐突地;不足
n. 短裤;短路;缺乏
- short cataloging
简化编目 - The trouble be that we be short of hand.
困难是我们缺少人手。 - The horse stopped short at the fence.
adj. 一切的,所有的;整个的;各种的
pron. 一切;全部;大家,全体
n. 全部财产;所有一切
adv. 完全地;极其
- The policy of burn all,kill all,loot all
三光政策 - It is all on the house.
费用全由敝店支付。 - (all) in a twitter
(极度) 紧张[兴奋],激动
adv. 一次,一回;一度;曾经
conj. 一旦;一…就…
n. 一次;一回
- Once is no custom
一次不成例 - Do it for this once.
就干这一次吧。 - Gordon is at once modest and clever.(at once …and…既..又)
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