[Literal Meaning]
to shed blood with just one injection
to get to the exact point
The teacher's criticism was getting to the exact point and he suddenly realized his mistake.
to hit the bull's eye
drive the nail right on the head
hit the nail on the head
- He has hit the nail on the head
他一针见血 - You hit the nail on the head about him: he is a con artist.
你对他的批评是一针见血:他是一个骗人专家。 - To hit the nail on the head
(敲钉子敲在钉头上,引申为话说得中肯、正中要害、一针见血)。 - He hit the nail on the head when he mentioned that the company was actually facing the danger of bankruptcy.
"他说那家公司实际上正面临破产的危机,真是一针见血。" - an inquisitor's mordant questioning.
审讯者一针见血的提问 - It is written in a detached, precise style.
行文冷静客观,一针见血。 - The sting of a reproach is the truth of it.
真正的谴责贵在能一针见血。 - What you say is marked with your usual acuteness and good sense
你的话总是一针见血,头头是道。 - His criticism on my mistakes is dead on the target.
"他对我的错误提出批评,真是一针见血。" - He sharply pointed out the shortcomings in the work.
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