【导语】疫情反反复复,让人头痛,为了保证考生的身体健康,许多省份都取消了雅思考试,因此雅思官方在10月17日安排了一场加试考试,难度方面和往常没有太大区别,小编整理了关于2021年10月17日雅思考试答案的内容 ,一起来预估下你能拿到多少分吧!
Part 1 预订青年旅馆
1. when will the room be available: July
2. Price in high season: 77.50
3. can get a discount if book 1 month in advance
4. Which meal is included: breakfast
5. need to bring towels
6. booklets
7. game room
8. internet access
9. collecting shells
10. hire bicycles
Part 2 跑步活动
11. which parking place is recommended?
A. sports ground
12. where should they put Timing chip?
A. on cloth or singlet
13. Which color group runs first?
A. yellow
14. What do they need more volunteers for?
B. handing out water
15-20 地图
15. stage: F
16. T-shirt: A
17. Bag collection: B
18. information center: H
19. water supply area: G
20. first aid: I
Part 3 食品包装袋
Part 4 人类嗅觉
31. The animal of monkeys
32. Can smell tiny chemical
33. Can easily know it is chocolate
34. The smell of orange
35. Detect fear in the man’s sweat
36. Not good at finding the source of a smell
37. Can not be very accurate
38. Recall the memories of childhood best
39. Whether we are in the emotion of sad
40. For people good at smelling spices
第一篇:The Cacao: a sweet history
第二篇:Ash tree dieback
The only reason for people working hard is to earn money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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