1. Take the Graduate Entrance Examination
例句:Many students in China take the Graduate Entrance Examination to pursue further studies.
2. Prepare for Graduate Studies
例句:She has been preparing for graduate studies since her junior year in college.
3. Apply for Postgraduate Programs
例句:Applying for postgraduate programs requires a lot of planning and effort.
4. Sit for the GRE/GMAT
在美国和一些其他国家,研究生入学考试通常指的是GRE(Graduate Record Examination)或GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test),具体取决于申请的专业。
例句:He is sitting for the GMAT next month to apply for a business school.
5. Pursue a Master's Degree
例句:After passing the entrance exam, she will pursue a Master's degree in engineering.
6. Go for Further Education
例句:Instead of entering the job market, he decided to go for further education.
7. Take the Postgraduate Entrance Exam
例句:Taking the postgraduate entrance exam is a major milestone for college graduates in China.
8. Engage in Postgraduate Preparation
例句:Engaging in postgraduate preparation can be a stressful but rewarding experience.
9. Enter Postgraduate Studies
例句:Entering postgraduate studies is a significant step towards a specialized career.
10. Undertake Graduate-Level Courses
例句:Undertaking graduate-level courses requires a high level of commitment and dedication.
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